The City of Attleboro will hold its 17th Annual River Clean-Up on Saturday, September 16th, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am.

Note the new meeting place this year: Judith Robbins Riverfront Park on Riverfront Drive in Attleboro.
The clean-up is held rain or shine. Volunteers from Attleboro and surrounding towns are needed for a fun morning of river clean-up and trash collecting along the Ten Mile River banks and walking trails.

Free refreshments will be supplied by Dunkin’. If you would like to get in the river, please remember to bring your own wetsuit.
Local sponsors are: Mayor Cathleen DeSimone, Attleboro Conservation Commission, Dunkin Donuts, Rust-Oleum, Attleboro Land Trust, and Friends of the Ten Mile River.

For more information contact Attleboro Conservation Agent Nick Wyllie at 508-223-2222 ext 3145 or