Monday, March 10, 2025


National Attention for JHBs: a visit from Sen Whitehouse; an OJJDP webinar

JHB Members, Supporters & RICJ get a visit from US SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE and National Attention from the US Dep’t of Justice

Rhode Island’s Juvenile Hearing Boards (JHBs) are making waves!

RICJ was thrilled to have US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse visit Aug 30th to meet with JHB supporters and members. Together we celebrated JHB’s work and a $300,000 grant awarded to RICJ because of the Senator’s efforts, allowing us to hire two new Case Managers to assist Central Falls and Pawtucket JHBs (and a third JHB being selected).

For 3 years, Case Managers will facilitate JHB youths’ access to mental and behavioral health services and other supports needed to keep them out of the justice system and in the community. Our partner Tides Family Services will provide clinical supervision and professional development and InnateFive will help Case Managers and JHBs take an individually tailored approach based on the strengths of each youth. Thank you to Senator Whitehouse and the US Dep’t of Education, which is administering the project funding!

Senator Whitehouse expressed his commitment to JHBs and to expanding community diversion. He is currently working on reauthorization of the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. We are grateful to the Senator for prioritizing the needs of youth at risk of entering the system and his commitment to building positive, effective alternatives. This event demonstrated the power of collaboration between community, nonprofits, law enforcement and state/local agencies, and how such collaboration can improve the lives and health of RI’s youth while addressing and reducing disparities in the juvenile justice system.

Also we celebrate: the US Dep’t of Justice is giving national attention to RI’s Juvenile Hearing Boards! On Wednesday Sept 6th at 2pm, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is presenting a webinar on JHBs. Join the webinar and learn about our efforts to provide better support to youth in the justice system. Register now using the link below.

Register for the OJJDP Webinar on JHBs Here

Register for the OJJDP Webinar on JHBs