September at Four Corners Gallery, Alexandria Mauck photographs the simple elegance of our natural world

Fall is a wonderful time to visit Tiverton and Four Corners Gallery. We have farmstands brimming with seasonal produce and local shops. Stone walls line our country roads with scenic views of farm fields, shorelines, and historic buildings. Come experience our farm coast that inspires our artists!
We are opening earlier on Saturdays at 9:30am – stop in after getting coffee or before a walk on the beach.

Sunday 11-4, Tuesday – Friday 11 – 4 and Saturday 9:30 – 5.
Open labor Day and fall Mondays by chance.
Our Next Event: Equinox Reception Sept. 23 from 5-7pm
We Are Always Creating New Work
Gallery artists:

Susan Gilmore, Barbara Healy, Anne Holtermann, Carolyn Lock,
Alexandria Mauck, Butch McCarthy, Karen Melanson, Kol Naylor,
Robin Nunes, Stephen Remick, Galen Snow, Donna St Amant,
Martha Taradash, Caroline Uruh and Nancy Whitin