Monday, March 10, 2025


Andrew Charles Barker of Norton and Megan Marie Flaherty of North Attleboro Graduate Saint Michael’s




Andrew Charles Barker of Norton graduated from Saint Michael’s College in May 2023. Barker was one of about 360 students to receive diplomas during the College’s 116th Commencement.


Megan Marie Flaherty of North Attleboro graduates from Saint Michael’s College with multiple honors

Megan Marie Flaherty of North Attleboro graduated from Saint Michael’s College in May 2023 during the College’s 116th Commencement.

Flaherty was also named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2023 semester and was inducted into an honor society, Kappa Delta Pi.


About Saint Michael’s College


Saint Michael’s College, founded on principles of social justice and leading lives of purpose and consequence, is a selective, Catholic college just outside Burlington, Vermont, one of the country’s best college towns.


Located between the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain, our closely connected community guarantees housing all four years and delivers internationally respected liberal arts together with an innovative Purposeful Learning Program, preparing students for fulfilling careers and meaningful lives.


Young adults here grow intellectually, socially, and morally, learning to be responsible for themselves, each other, and their world.