Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Commissioner’s Memo to Friends of Education



Supporting Students and Staff through School Wellness Spaces


Recently, and just in time for Mental Health Awareness Month, we launched a brand-new initiative that supports the wellbeing of students and staff in our schools.


This $3 million initiative, called “Wellness in Education Leads to Learning (W.E.L.L.),” will help the development of needed wellness spaces, professional development, and programming in schools across Rhode Island.


Every student and every educator deserves an environment where they feel welcomed and can thrive. We know, more than ever, that there is a call to further support our school communities’ mental health, and this is just one of the ways we are doing so. I encourage you all to browse resources and offerings on the W.E.L.L. page on our website.


Finally, I would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in ensuring the success of our first annual Statewide Education Job Fair.


This includes our Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services, who planned and organized the event; Rodrick Lucero of the CEEDAR Center, who served as a generous sponsor; CTE educators Graham Walker (graphics) and Robert DiSalvo (carpentry) and their students at the Providence Career and Technical Academy (PCTA); and of course, our wonderful educators and administrators from each LEA. We could not have done this without your support!


In partnership,

Angélica Infante-Green