Sunday, February 23, 2025


Rhode Island Business Competition Selects Four Finalists



Rhode Island Business Competition Selects Four Finalists Providence – (April 27, 2023) – The Rhode Island Business Competition announced that four finalists have been chosen in the 2023 Competition and they are competing for awards totaling over $130,000 in cash and prizes.


The awards ceremony is scheduled for May 4th at 5:30pm; this free event will be held at Venture Café and will be live-streamed. Several sponsors of the Competition will be showcasing their businesses before the event from 4:30 – 5:30pm.


The following are the finalists for this year’s Competition:


Nhuad has created a single hand video game controller so that a gamer with one hand or other disabilities can reach all of the buttons. Principal applicant:


Charles Johnson Papi’s Coquito is an authentic, high-quality, Coquito-inspired liqueur, resonating with heritage and appealing to diverse tastes. Principal applicant:


Victor Regino Trace Sensing Technologies has developed a sensor platform capable of detecting target biomarkers in exhaled breath (or through skin) for rapid, early, non-invasive disease diagnosis and monitoring. Principal applicant:


Peter Ricci Wingspans is an immersive platform that leverages storytelling and AI to build a new and diverse future of work. Principal applicant: Lindsay Kuhn


Serving as judges for this year are:


Kim Anderson, Impact Investor and Owner of Plant City


 Bob Chatham, Director at Slater Technology Fund


Jason Costa, Vice President of Commercial Banking at Washington Trust


Peggy Farrell, Partner at Hinckley Allen


Katharine Flynn, Executive Director at URI’s Business Engagement Center


Anthony Mangiarelli, Partner at KLR • Aidan Petrie, Founding Partner of the New England Medical Innovation Center (NEMIC)


Annette Tonti, Managing Director at RIHub


The prizes consisting of cash and in-kind services are provided by dozens of sponsors, including banks, investors, colleges and universities, professional services firms, non-profits, construction, health related, software, retail, and other businesses as well as former competitors.


Sponsors of the 2023 Rhode Island Business Competition Pillar sponsors are Bryant University, Cox Business, and Everhope Foundation.


Other lead sponsors include Envision Technology Advisors, Hinckley Allen, KLR, and Sprout Coworking. Also sponsoring are Beacon Mutual Insurance Company, FM Global, and Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce. Additional sponsors include Bank Rhode Island, Bristol County Savings Bank, Business Development Company, Delta Dental of Rhode Island, Dimeo Construction Company, Navigant Credit Union, Peter George, Slater Technology Fund, the Washington Trust Company, BankNewport, Bank of America, Blount Fine Foods, Brain for Rent, Brown University Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship, Cherrystone Angel Group, Coastal1 Credit Union, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at CCRI, and Morgan Stanley – Richard Carriere. Our growth partners are MassChallenge, New England Medical Innovation Center, and RIHub.


The Rhode Island Business Competition fosters development of companies by inviting emerging and established entrepreneurs to submit ideas for a business, in any industry, that is based in Rhode Island and has strong growth potential.


The most promising ideas will receive cash and services. The Competition is supported by a broad range of sponsors that include private businesses, investors, foundations, colleges and universities, public entities, nonprofit organizations, and former competitors.


Today, we are one of the leading community-supported business competitions in the Northeast.