Monday, March 10, 2025


Dear Friends,



Please join us in promoting the Attleboro Historic Preservation Society’s upcoming program on Saturday, April 29, 2023 @ 2:00 PM at the Oldtown (First Congregational) Church, 675 Old Post Road in North Attleboro, MA.


Dr. Samuel A. Forman will present his research on the American Revolution, Joseph Warren and the rare 1774 document: Attleborough’s Solemn League and Covenant.


We are encouraging guests to sign up for this FREE program through Eventbrite to help us better prepare.


Here is the direct link:


Please share the program link.


In addition, the event & link can be reached through our Facebook Page (Attleboro Historic Preservation Society).


We will have copies of the document for sale after the program.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.


Rachel Killion

Program Coordinator,

Attleboro Historic Preservation Society



Samuel A. Forman is an historian and Harvard University faculty member. He is educated in the history of the American Revolution as well as the practice of clinical and preventive medicine.


Throughout his successful careers as physician, military officer and
businessperson, he has published and lectured on historical topics that inform current issues. Forman’s ambitious debut was the award winning non-fiction American Founder’s biography Dr. Joseph Warren – The Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill, and the Birth of American Liberty [Pelican]. 


From 1765 onward activists in Boston and many Massachusetts towns asserted the rights of a free citizenry in a series of protests and confrontations spanning over a decade.


In this talk we will visit Dr. Joseph Warren, an appealing politician, physician and soldier, who exemplifies the spirit and key events of the era.  


From championing constitutional rights within a colonial and monarchial system, to ultimately confronting the British Empire in a revolution, Massachusetts men and women were often in the vanguard of opposition.


Debates and agitation of the time depended upon portions of the population who had never before been involved in the political process.  


The Town of Attleboro’s Solemn League and Covenant, originating in Boston and animated by Joseph Warren and the Sons of Liberty, was a link in a great chain of events recasting colonial British North America into the United States of America, and along the way redefining the relationship between government and the people.