Saturday, March 8, 2025


Prospective plantings for New England


HARRISBURG, PA — The Prospective Plantings report provides the first official, survey-based estimates of U.S. farmers’ 2023 planting intentions, according to King Whetstone, director of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Northeastern Regional Field Office. NASS acreage estimates are based on surveys conducted during the first two weeks of March from a sample of 72,900 farm operators across the United States.


 New England’s 2023 key findings in the report are:




Connecticut corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at a 25 thousand acres, unchanged from last year.


Maine corn planted area for all purposes is estimated 28 thousand acres, down 3% from last year.


Massachusetts corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at a record low 14 thousand acres, unchanged from last year.


New Hampshire corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at 12 thousand acres, down 8% last year.


Rhode Island corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at a record low 2 thousand acres, unchanged from last year.


Vermont corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at 92 thousand acres, up 2% from last year.




Maine oat planted area for all purposes is estimated at 26 thousand acres, unchanged from last year.




Connecticut hay area harvested is estimated at 53 thousand acres, up 2% from last year.


Maine hay area harvested is estimated at 140 thousand acres, up 4% from last year.


Massachusetts hay area harvested is estimated at 60 thousand acres, unchanged from last year.


New Hampshire hay area harvested is estimated at 43 thousand acres, up 2% from last year.


Rhode Island hay area harvested is estimated at a record low 5 thousand acres, down 29% from last year.


Vermont hay area harvested is estimated at 175 thousand acres, up 6% from last year.


 The complete ‘Prospective Plantings’ report is available online at


All other NASS reports are available online at