Tuesday, January 7, 2025


We are honored to serve as Rhode Island’s Ram Dass Fellowship


Katherine & Mark: Owner’s of Skydog Farm


All are welcome to join us the last Sunday of every month:


 2:00-4:00pm October-April in our Heated Botanical Oasis 


  4:00 –6:00pm May-September in our Sanctuary Gardens


For the first half hour, Katherine and Mark will welcome guests and invite everyone to enjoy the beauty of the Botanical Oasis.





To begin, Katherine will lead a short centering meditation.


We will then be guided deeper by a recorded soundscape and guided meditation created by East Forest, Krishna Das and Ram Dass.


If blessed enough to have a live kirtan wallah to lead us in chanting, we love to spend some time singing to the Divine.  


Recorded kirtan, blended with our live voices is the next best thing.


Upon emerging from our meditation practice, the Sacred Space of the Satsang is open for community members to share what is in their hearts and/or minds.





Please Note: We have some seating available in the Oasis, but feel free to bring your favorite chair, meditation cushion, blanket: whatever makes you comfy.


 The Satsang is slowly growing and we look forward to meeting you.


 Contact Katherine with any questions at 401-644-7253 or if you are interested in offering your musical gifts.