Sunday, March 16, 2025


Promoting the AG Census 



The Ag Census is still underway – help us spread the word to encourage producers who have not yet responded! Below find social media content for your use on National Ag Day (March 21).


We hope to have a coordinated push on Twitter, though posts can be used on your other social media channels as well.


In this toolkit, find suggested social media posts, key messages, links to resources and social media images, and a longer post that can be used on social media channels that allow for longer content, in emails or newsletters. Thank you as always for your partnership.


Blitz/Storm on Twitter:


Push posts (aim for 3 or more, if possible) that use both #AgDay23 and #AgCensus


Tag @usda_nass when possible


Links: or



USDA Census Partner Toolkit

Social media


Ag Day Partner Tools

Social media graphics

Logos and buttons


General Ag Census Twitter and/or Other Social Media Platform Posts


It’s not too late to be counted in the 2022 Census of Agriculture! #AgCensus data are used by those who serve farmers and U.S. ag. Don’t miss your opportunity to be represented in the widely used data. #AgDay23


There’s still time to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture. @usda_nass will continue to follow up with producers through the spring to ensure all farmers and ranchers have a voice and opportunity to shape the future of U.S. ag. #AgCensus #AgDay23


Producers: the 2022 Census of Agriculture is your voice, your future, your opportunity. The #AgCensus allows you to tell the story of U.S. agriculture. It’s not too late to respond. #AgDay23 @usda_nass


Newsletter/Email/Longer Social Media Content


USDA is still collecting responses to the 2022 Census of Agriculture


The Census of Agriculture allows producers to tell the story of U.S. agriculture, and it’s not too late to respond. Since data collection began last fall, over a million producers across the country have returned their questionnaires. USDA will continue to collect completed 2022 ag census forms through the spring to ensure all producers have the chance the be represented in these widely used data. Producers can respond online at or by mail.


Census data inform decisions about policy, farm and conservation programs, disaster assistance, infrastructure and rural development, research, education, and more. The stronger the response, the stronger the data. For America’s farmers and ranchers, the Census of Agriculture is their voice, their future, and their opportunity.


USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service is continuing to contact producers via mail and telephone to collect information. If you are a producer who has already submitted your 2022 Census of Agriculture, thank you. You may disregard any additional ag census letters and forms.


Key Messages


It’s not too late for producers to be heard through the ag census, which occurs only once every five years. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will continue to collect census data through the spring. NASS wants to ensure all farmers and ranchers take advantage of the opportunity to be represented in these widely used data. Census of Agriculture data are used by those who serve farmers and rural communities.


Census data inform decisions about policy, farm and conservation programs, infrastructure and rural development, research, education, and more.


Producers who have already responded can disregard any additional ag census mail. NASS will follow up with producers who have not yet responded. We are sending email reminders and follow-up questionnaires as well as making phone calls and even some limited personal visits.


NASS plans to release the data in early 2024. NASS will share a firm release date on their website and social media in the coming months.


NASS offers an extremely helpful list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website at