Monday, March 17, 2025





Stefanie Covino of the Blackstone River Watershed Collaborative presenting during the SNEP Network’s in-person bylaw review training in Middleborough, MA on October 27, 2022. Photo credit: Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District 


Have a photo you want to submit? Submit your photos with a short caption and photo credit with permission of the photo owner to with the subject “SNEP Photo Submission.”


Photos will be posted to the SNEP Photo Gallery on our website. Our favorite photo of the month will be featured in our next newsletter, so keep those submissions coming! Click to view the complete SNEP Media Gallery


Program Updates 


Save the Date! On June 13, SNEP will host its next biennial Forum at the Bristol Community College. The goal of the Forum is to engage with our community members and program partners through an introspective look at the work of SNEP; and to provide input on the work that our Program has completed, the work ongoing, and the work still to be done. Make your voice heard by joining us for this free event. 

Registration is now open

SNEP hosts Ecosystem Service Subcommittee meeting.  On February 9, SNEP hosted its Q2 Ecosystem Services (ES) subcommittee meeting. During this meeting, subcommittee members discussed how SNEP could better engage environmental justice (EJ) communities and begin implementing SNEP’s equity plan. Additionally, subcommittee members discussed, and prioritized subcommittee research needs and continued work to identify representative habitats for future informational outreach efforts.

SNEP hosts second quarter Steering Committee meetings. On February 6 and 27, EPA held their Q2 Steering Committee meetings. Discussion topics across both meetings included: FY23 budget allocation, news about the SNEP equity plan, and updates from our Monitoring and Ecosystem Services subcommittee chairs. Meeting notes from the February 6 meeting are now posted to the 

SNEP website


February 27 meeting notes to be posted soon.