Thursday, January 9, 2025


Support Your Library – Be a Friend


Friendship can be shown in many ways – through support, outreach and shared interests. The Friends of the East Providence Public Library provide all of this and more to the patrons and staff of Weaver Library, Riverside Library and Fuller Creative Learning Center, as well as to the larger community who participate in the many programs and events held at those locations.


Friends volunteer hundreds of hours planting flowers on the grounds, preparing for bi-annual book sales and events. They donate hundreds of books each year to local organizations to promote free access to reading materials for everyone.


They contribute thousands of dollars annually to help provide educational and fun activities and programs for people of all ages in our community.


The Friends have set a goal of 300 members this year.


Help us reach that goal by joining now.


As an added bonus, your membership card provides entry to the preview night for the spring book sale in April.


Membership forms can be obtained at the circulation desk at Weaver Library, 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence or at Riverside Library, 475 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside.


Bring the completed form, with $5 per person, to either of those locations or mail your check to Friends of East Providence Public Library, 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914.


Membership dues help to provide special programs and events at the library.


Your support is greatly appreciated.