Tuesday, February 11, 2025





Closing soon! Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration


Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration


Closing soon! On view through December 18, 2022


Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration explores the impact of the US prison system on contemporary visual art. This exhibition highlights artists who are or have been incarcerated alongside artists who have not been incarcerated but whose practices interrogate the carceral state.


Seen together, their works reveal how punitive governance, predatory policing, surveillance, and mass imprisonment impact everyday life for many millions of people.


Art made in prisons is crucial to contemporary culture, though it has been largely excluded from established art institutions and public discourse. 


Marking Time aims to shift aesthetic currents, offering new ways to envision art and to understand the reach and devastation of the US carceral state.

Marking Time extends beyond the Bell to Cohen Gallery in the Granoff Center for the Creative Arts. Visit both galleries to see the full exhibition. 

Learn more about Cohen Gallery



Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration is organized by Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood, NYU Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, with exhibition coordinator Steven G. Fullwood and the assistance of graduate researchers Anisa Jackson, Xavier Hadley, and Eva Cilman. The exhibition is presented across the Bell and Cohen Galleries at the Brown Arts Institute in collaboration with the Department of Africana Studies / Rites and Reason Theatre