Wednesday, October 2, 2024





Good Morning,


I would like to take a few minutes and share Friends of the Ten Mile River Watersheds upcoming fall events.



A Seven Mile River Journey- we will take two days and we will travel the length of the Seven Mile River by foot, visiting scenic areas and historical points of interest as we meander through the Attleboros the same way that the Seven Mile River does on its journey to join the Ten Mile.


We will begin on both days at 9:00 AM and both will require a car shuffle to make sure there is transportation at the start and end of the walk. Both walks will be several miles (6+) so please be sure of your capabilities before coming.



The first stretch will take us from the headwaters of the river, through North Attleboro to Old Town where we will finish for the day.



The second day will take us from Old Town, through Attleboro to the Rhode Island line where the Seven Mile flows into the Ten Mile. The walks will consist of trails and roads. On day 1 we will meet at Old Town Church at 675 Old Post Road in North Attleboro and on day 2 we will meet at the former Benny’s Plaza on Central Ave in Seekonk.


The dates are 10/16/2022 and 10/23/2022. We hope you will join us for this journey as we connect with this important part of the Ten Mile River Watershed.





The River that built this city- on 10/20/2022, we will be presenting a talk to the Attleboro Historic Preservation Society at 6:45 PM at the Attleboro Industrial Museum at 42 Union Street in Attleboro. We will discuss the importance of the Ten Mile River in Attleboro history and how the river shaped the city we know today. All are welcome to attend this talk.





Coat Exchange- Friends of the Ten Mile River Watershed are currently planning a coat exchange. We are looking for used coats, hats, mittens etc for all ages that anyone is willing to donate. All donations will be dropped off in North Attleboro. Later in November, we will hand them out to anyone in need at a designated location in Attleboro. If you have any items that you can donate, or if you would like to volunteer to hand them out, call Ben at 401-578-2746. The actual exchange will be finalized at our November meeting, but the donations are open now. We appreciate any help that you can give to this important cause. Over the last few years, we have been cleaning the remains of camps in the woods and along our rivers, so we know that the need is there and that some of our neighbors are struggling to keep warm through the winter. If you are in need of a coat, please come get one when the coat exchange takes place. More details will be coming early next month.


We appreciate your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you very soon on the river.


Ben Cote


Friends of the Ten Mile River Watershed
