Friday, March 28, 2025






The past two and a half years haven’t been easy for any of us. It started with the pandemic and has extended to racial inequity in the United States, the war in Ukraine, inflation, and global uncertainty. 



These challenges have impacted our mental, emotional, and even physical health. It’s something that our Executive Director Julie Wake experienced. And so she looked to the arts for hope, solace, and comfort.



At the end of June, Julie spoke about how the arts helped her during these most difficult of times as part of a TEDxProvincetown talk which you can watch by clicking the image below. 


Watch Julie’s TEDx Talk Now!


As Julie notes:


“The mental health sector alone cannot solve what’s happening to us. And it is happening to us. If you’re feeling sad and anxious, you’re not alone. We are all feeling this way, but the good news is we can all start feeling a little bit better today.”


How can we feel a little bit better? By taking culture vitamins as Julie says in her talk. 


By turning to the arts, we can alleviate the negative emotions we’ve been feeling since March 2020. 


At the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod, we’ve witnessed firsthand the power that arts and culture can have in our lives. Arts has the power to heal. Through our grants funding, we’ve seen the positive impact that clay classes have on individuals living with Alzheimer’s and that singing has on individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. 


Julie’s TEDxProvincetown talk touches upon these positive health benefits, not just for people suffering from a medical condition, but for all of us.


With over 300 cultural organizations here on Cape Cod alone, there’s no shortage of opportunities to embrace the arts. May we all begin taking more culture vitamins by bringing the arts into our life. 


Support the arts by making a donation today. 


Learn more about how the AFCC is making impact.