Monday, March 10, 2025


NEW to Homecoming 2022: Affinity Group Meet-Up



Were you a part of a club, organization, or department at BSU?


Join us for a new and fun event this Homecoming weekend. Network and meet current and alumni group members, share memories, and get a professional photo taken with our huge “GO BEARS” letters (and a keepsake to take home!) to celebrate meeting up with Bear friends, old and new!

Affinity Group Meet-Up


Saturday, October 1st | 12-3:30 PM | University Park at the “GO BEARS” Letters


12:00-12:15 PM | SGA (Student Government Association)


12:15-12:30 PM | LGBTQIA+ Alumx, Pride Center, and Aware


12:30-12:45 PM | PC (Program Council/Committee)


12:45-1:00 PM | Sister Scholars & MIB (Men Integrated in Brotherhood)


1:00-1:15 PM | RAs (Resident Assistants) & RHA (Residence Hall Association)


1:15-1:30 PM | Multicultural Student Organizations, i.e. Afro-Am, HASA, CVSA, LSL


1:30-1:45 PM | PEAC (Phys. Ed. Alumni Council), Phys. Ed. Majors, Athletic Teams


1:45-2:00 PM | OTEAM (Orientation Leaders, Red Polo Society)


2:00-2:45 PM | Fraternity and Sorority Life


2:45-3:00 PM | MVSS: Military & Veteran Students, Family, and Alumni


3:00-3:30 PM | Any additional groups who wish to participate, please contact


Register Now for the Affinity Group Meet-Up and all other Homecoming 2022 Events




If you have any questions, please reach out to us at