Wednesday, October 2, 2024



By Don Doucette


We were born during the cataclysm of World War Two yet were too young to be directly aware of that conflict as it drew toward its finality and as the world began to deal with the terrible aftermath.



We were the next generation following the heroic efforts of our Greatest Generation.


Our Attleboro High School Class (AHS) of 1961 met this past weekend at the Attleboro Elk’s Club to celebrate our sixty plus years reunion – the portion of attendees has significantly diminished as can be expected – the stark realization is true, we have reached in life our maximum shelf life, give or take a few years, as thoughts of our own prospects verses mortality are significant.


With the news this past weekend of the passing of Queen Elizabeth – the fact that she and her family were directly involved with the events of World War Two as major players of the Greatest Generation. And that our lives as a singular high school class have paralleled the royal rein of Elizabeth.


As we collectively became aware of our youth, many of us witnessed Elizabeth’s coronation on black and white television and as our class remnant met on Saturday and as the world was mourning Queen Elizabeth’s death, we too were and are caught up in the event, each our own way.


I personally have been blessed in life for having experienced Edinburg, Scotland and as we watched Queen Elizabeth’s last journey unfold during Sunday past, scenes on our televisions of Saint Giles Cathedral, the Royal Mile in Old Town and the Holyrood Palace at the base of the Royal Mile while nestled beneath the looming bulk of Arthur’s Seat.


And this coming week we will witness the finality of Queen Elizabeth’s time with us as she is laid to rest at Windsor Castle within Saint George’s Chapel, a grand and cozy place for eternal rest amid the warmth and glow of its stunning stained-glass array. 


Our AHS Class of 1961 witnessed along with Queen Elizabeth the peopling of outer space, birth of the computer age, the advent of the Atomic Age, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise and fall of the Cold War and numbers of other troubling world conflicts i.e., Korea, Viet Nam and the Gulf Wars. 


We met as a class aware of the twenty first year of remembrance following the 9/11 terrorist attack on our nation.


We witnessed the rebirth of Israel as a nation and the declaration of Jerusalem more recently as its capitol and the establishment there of the United States Embassy amid the uncertainty of a lasting peace in the Middle East.


And these realities are but a few remembrances which unfolded during our time as the Attleboro High School, Class of 1961.


We recall in memorial those who have gone before us and for those of us who remain, every blessing.


Don Doucette

Member, Attleboro High School, Class of 1961

“Ten Mile River Rambles”