Friday, February 21, 2025




Lions Clubs of Rhode Island host an Online Auction for Hope’s Harvest



Dear Friend,


We’d like your help getting the word out on ‘LIL RHODY—BIG YUM, a Food-Centric online auction to raise funds toward the purchase of a refrigerated delivery van for Hope’s Harvest (a program of Farm Fresh Rhode Island).  


Local businesses have been generous.  Our focus is to generate as many bidders as we can, however we can add additional items after the auction starts if there are interested donors!


Lil RHODY—BIG YUM runs through September 24.


Auction items can be found at:


A bit more about Hope’s Harvest:



Hope’s Harvest is the only state-wide gleaning organization linking farmers who have surplus food, an army of volunteer pickers and hunger relief agencies for distribution. 


More at


They need a refrigerated van to transport fresh produce.


Hope’s Harvest connects fresh, local food with local hungry people, tackles on-farm food waste, and works to strengthen our local food system.


The Lions Clubs are proud to partner with Hope’s Harvest and assist them in fundraising to buy a refrigerated van to deliver the best quality produce possible.


HHRI by the numbers (since 2018):

48 Local Farms


48 Pantries & meal providers


350 Volunteers


400 TONS of fresh produce recovered


Redirected to agencies serving 35,000 people monthly


For more information, please contact:

Nancy Reiter, Auction Chair (Greater Warwick Lions)
