Thursday, March 20, 2025


Hi, my name is Steve Doherty and I’m with the U.S. Postal Service.


You may not think of the Postal Service as news, since we’re hardly new. Mail service for this region goes back almost 400 years. But we’ve got some great stories to tell.


Odds are you’ve seen our latest TV commercial “We go Everywhere,” featuring music from country legend Johnny Cash, that shows postal workers delivering mail across the country, in all kinds of conditions.


Our 653,000 employees nationwide take great pride in the commercial because it highlights our role to deliver to more than 160 million addresses across the country — and New England employees are no exception.


We deliver mail 6 days per week to businesses and residents across the region. From rural areas with curbside boxes on posts to downtown high-rises with mailrooms. From door-to-door suburban delivery to cluster boxes in apartments and newer developments.


Some of the unique stories we have here in New England include:


The Easternmost Post Office in the US (the first to see the sun come up) is in Lubec Maine


The Oldest Post Office still operating in the original building is in Hinsdale, NH (since 1816)


The second oldest, (since 1833) is in Castine, ME


Mail is delivered by boat to residents along and on the islands of Lake Winnipesaukee in NH


A plaque in Downtown Boston marks the former site of the First US Post Office (in 1639) at then Fairbanks Tavern.


The Highest Post Office in New England is atop Mount Washington in NH.


But, as much as we’re proud of our history, the real story lies in our future. Under the Postmaster General’s Delivering For America Plan, new facilities, new vehicles, a reorganized processing and delivery network and new technologies that enhance our customer’s experience will position us to be the shipper of choice for generations to come.


With this new growth comes career opportunities. Not just for mail processors and letter carriers, but for auto mechanics, engineers, HR professionals, drivers, safety specialists and so many other career paths with competitive salaries and benefits.


We host frequent job fairs with some coming up:


August 13 at the Green Mountain Technology and Career Center in Hyde Park, VT from 9-1


August 16 at the Post Office in Waterboro, ME from 10-2


August 18 at the Bandstand Park in Downtown Lydonville, VT from 9-2


August 23 at the Freeport, ME Post Office from 11-3


August 24 at the Harpswell, ME Post Office from 9-1


August 30 at the Merrimack, NH Post Office from 10-2


September 1 at the Lebanon, NH Post Office from 10-2


You’ll find the Postal Service has more news than you knew. We really do go everywhere man.

