Transportation for Massachusetts Statement
on Orange Line Shutdown
BOSTON, August 3, 2022 —
Statement from T4MA Interim Director Josh Ostroff:
“An MBTA Orange Line shutdown has the potential to provide major, accelerated improvements riders have been awaiting for years.
It will also create significant and immediate difficulties for hundreds of thousands of riders – including older adults accessing medical appointments, low-income workers with no option of working from home, and students expected to be on time for school.
The MBTA must have a shutdown mitigation plan that matches the commitment that we are asking from riders. It must include free service across all alternative options for Orange Line riders, including shuttle buses and commuter rail at impacted stations, reduced pricing across the system, unprecedented bus priority on local streets, and frequent public updates.
We will be engaging with state and local partners in the days and weeks ahead to help ensure a plan that provides riders the respect and dignity they deserve.”
Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA) is a statewide coalition of more than 100 organizations advocating for sustainable and just transportation solutions. T4MA is supported by the Barr Foundation. Learn more at