Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Get Ready for the Raptors!



September 2022 Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island


 Get up close with eagles, hawks and owls at Raptor Weekend, head out on an early birding walk, or enjoy an evening stroll and search for nature at night. Enjoy the cooler weather and head outside in September!


Unless noted, registration is required for all programs.  To view a listing of programs and to register, visit the events calendar at



Raptor Weekend

Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI


September 10 & 11, 2022; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm


Eagles, Owls, Hawks, and Falcons, formidable and magnificent predators of the sky, are descending on Bristol, Rhode Island in September!


Razor-sharp talons, extraordinary strength, hooked beaks and highly developed eyesight and hearing make raptors the rulers of the avian world.


Wildlife rehabilitators and experts from across the Northeast will bring a wide variety of these extraordinary birds to the largest raptor celebration in New England. Enjoy live raptor presentations, educational programs, games and activities for bird enthusiasts of all ages.


General Admission: Adult: $17. Child ages 4 – 12:  $12


Family Four-pack: $55


Children under age 3 are free.


For details and to purchase tickets online visit



Raptor Weekend is sponsored by RI PBS.