Wednesday, March 12, 2025


In Wake of WV v. EPA Decision, Whitehouse to Deliver 16th Speech in ‘The Scheme’ SCOTUS Series



 Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse – Democrat Rhode Island

Whitehouse will break down radical Supreme Court’s decision in WV v. EPA, which delivered a giveaway to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of a livable climate


Washington, DC –  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Courts Subcommittee, will deliver the sixteenth in a series of speeches titled “The Scheme,” exposing the machinations by right-wing donor interests to capture the U.S. Supreme Court and achieve through the Court what they cannot through other branches of government. 


After Whitehouse sounded the alarm about the West Virginia v. EPA case when it was pending before the Court in his previous “Scheme” speech, the Senator will return to the Senate floor to discuss the Court’s precedent-shredding decision that has hobbled the EPA in service to the fossil fuel industry and other right-wing dark-money interests.  Whitehouse will also call out one of the Scheme’s favored tools – the polluter-funded doctrine factories that cultivate fringe legal theories in an attempt to feed the captured Court rationales for decisions that break from established precedent.


Whitehouse’s ‘The Scheme’ Speech #16




Whitehouse’s speeches trace the decades-long roots of the scheme, its development and funding, and its coming to fruition under former president Donald Trump with the installation of a six-justice right-wing majority on the Court.


This is not Whitehouse’s first series of floor speeches.  For nearly nine years, he took to the floor every week the chamber was in session to call attention to the threat of climate change.  Whitehouse retired his Time to Wake Up series, and his battered Time to Wake Up chart, last year after 279 speeches, only to begin again this year.


Whitehouse’s previous speeches are available 
