Thursday, March 13, 2025


Pawtucket Completes SWIG Grant for Green Streets Project


Pawtucket, RI: Installation of a rain garden as part of the SWIG-funded green streets program (see SWIG update for more information). Photo credit: Fuss & O’Neill


In June, the City of Pawtucket, RI, completed work on a “green streets” project funded by the SWIG. With support from SWIG and additional funding from the RI Infrastructure Bank, the City completely redesigned Pine Street and installed a variety of green infrastructure features along with safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.


The project was developed in tandem with the construction of a new commuter rail station and is part of a planned, mixed-use “transit-oriented district,” that the City is developing in a formerly industrial area. The completed project is improving water quality in the watershed of the Blackstone River, Narragansett Bay’s largest tributary, by reducing stormwater runoff of nutrients and bacteria.


Beyond its water quality goals, however, the work provides multiple benefits in this environmental justice community – reducing the “heat island” effect of unbroken impervious surface; beautifying a formerly blighted area; improving transportation options; and creating new opportunities for economic development.


Since stormwater practices such as those installed along Pine Street require proper maintenance in order to function in future years, the City developed training videos and a maintenance manual. While intended specifically for Pawtucket public works employees, these materials will help other municipalities with similar needs, and will ensure that SWIG funding continues to provide multiple benefits over the long term, in Pawtucket and downstream in Narragansett Bay.


To access the training videos and manual, click HERE