Thursday, March 6, 2025


Notes from Commissioner Infante-Green



I want to share the latest efforts to ensure the safety of our students and school staff across Rhode Island. Right now, walkthroughs are being conducted of every school building. Schools will complete the All Hazards Site Safety Survey report, a comprehensive assessment of doors and windows, car access, landscape features, lighting, alarm and camera systems, communication measures, and more, by June 10. 


Schools where potential hazards are found will be encouraged to work with local law enforcement and their school safety teams to identify solutions to those hazards, including determining the time and cost of implementation.


RIDE will authorize up to $500,000 in emergency approval through the School Building Authority for each district to make whatever additional security upgrades their school facilities need and be reimbursed after the work is complete. 


I want to also take a moment to share my sincere gratitude for our students and school staff as we close out the school year. The weight of recent tragedies, both locally and nationally, is heavy and requires a time to process and grieve.


Please do not hesitate to reach out to your school counselors and trusted members in and out of your school communities. Remember, it’s OK to not be OK.


Together, we will finish this school year strong and make sure our schools protect both the physical and mental health of our students and educators.  


As we navigate the final weeks of the school year, please be vigilant. If you see something, say something. We will always err on the side of caution. 


In partnership, 

Angélica Infante-Green