Tuesday, March 11, 2025


A Message from Our Director



Spring is here and the community is celebrating the sun and warmer weather.


Families have returned to story time, neighbors are greeting each other in the lobby and museum passes are as popular as ever!


What a perfect way to kick off National Library Week, April 3-9, 2022.


This year’s theme is CONNECTION, something we do well in Attleboro.

Library staff have been busy creating pop-up displays for the things that matter most to our visitors.


We’ve put together fun displays on Irish authors, women in history and are now about to curate a selection of poetry titles.


We’ve also gathered resources on Ukraine, both the country and culture and the history of its political conflicts.


As a community library, we are always eager to bring you more of what you’re looking for.


Stop by and check out the displays when you can and let us know what display you’d like to see next

You’ll definitely want to visit the library on Saturday, April 30, when the Friends of APL hold their first Scarf and Jewelry Sale.


Strategically scheduled just before Mother’s Day, the Balfour Room will be filled with beautiful accessories of every style and color with most priced under $5.


As always, proceeds from Friends events go to supporting the Library and the work we do to support YOU! 

I hope this newsletter inspires you to visit the library building, or at least the library website, where you’ll find more resources and information than ever before.

We look forward to seeing you!

Amy Rhilinger