Thursday, March 6, 2025


Boundary Walk at Vaughan Memorial Forest on March 26





Pink lady’s slipper (Cypripedium acaule)


A boundary walk will be held at Vaughan Memorial Forest on Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.  The purpose of the walk is to make sure the boundaries are well marked and that no dumping or other encroachment has occurred on land trust property.


Volunteers are welcome to join in this effort. Some boundaries may be overgrown with brush.  Other boundaries may be very wet and muddy.  We will have some brush-cutting tools, but feel free to bring your own.  Waterproof boots are recommended.


This is the best time of the year for a boundary walk, before trees and shrubs leaf out, as it can sometimes be difficult finding boundary markers.  


We will meet at the parking lot for the Colman Reservation on Steere Street.  The Vaughan Memorial Forest is on the opposite side of the street.


Feel free to reply to this email with any questions.


 More information about the Vaughan Memorial Forest is available here:


Vaughan, a longtime Attleboro resident and successful businessman, was active in many civic and charitable organizations, including the YMCA, Sturdy Memorial Hospital, the United Way, and the Attleboro Lions Club. 


 In his youth, Vaughan advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout, and he later became an adult volunteer in Scouting–serving in many capacities, including president of the Annawon Council. 


As one of the first Scouts to benefit from Vaughan’s gift, Jonathan Cardosi earned his Eagle Scout award in part by completing the design and development of the property’s Green Dot Trail.


Jonathan’s brother Matthew later completed his Eagle project requirements by upgrading the Colman Reservation parking lot on the other side of Steere Street.