Wednesday, March 5, 2025




Forget about the ground hog’s shadow, we had a grackle at our front yard suet feeder this morning.



Our recent slow released snow melt does not fully replenish our ground water supply, but we’ll take it.

And never underestimate nature, several more heavy snowfalls are yet possible.

Decades ago, I worked for an Attleboro firm. The boss dispatched me with a dump truck up Route 495 toward Marlboro to fetch a load of balled hemlock trees.


What I had not expected and with my employer totally unaware, beyond Franklin I encountered a squall of heavily falling snow.

Driving conditions became retched and dangerous.

I returned to my upset employer far beyond a reasonable time with our canvas covered trees totally hidden beneath the surprise layer of lingering snow.

Attleboro had had only a dusting.

“Why did it take you so long,” he huffed? (Time was money.)


To justify, I showed him the load of camouflaged trees as exhibit A.

This was during the month of May.

We observe daily the amount of lengthening daylight as spring remains our hope eternal.

Maple syrup anyone?

Don Doucette

“Ten Mile River Rambles”

Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook