Thursday, February 13, 2025


February 17 Webinar



Book Marketing 101 with Kathleen Kaiser


“The depth of Kathleen Kaiser’s book marketing knowledge is amazing. She covered so much that I didn’t even know about in her Book Marketing 101 webinar. I immediately began implementing some of her suggestions.” – Rosalind Barden

Whether self-published or traditionally published, authors need to participate in or drive the marketing for their books.


What does that entail?


What is the difference between publicity and marketing?

What marketing tools best help to sell books?

What if your book was released without marketing? What can you do to resurrect it?

How much do you need to budget, over how long?


These questions and more will be answered in a three-part series — Book Marketing 101 with Kathleen Kaiser, president of WPN and a veteran book marketer. She has experience with many genres over the last ten years in successfully getting authors reviewed by major outlets, interviewed on radio and television, and kickstarting book sales. Her company, Kathleen Kaiser & Associates, also helps build author platforms, websites, blogs, and develop a social media presence.


The first webinar will cover:

Introduction to the business of publishing

Definition of marketing terms

Finding your audience

Defining your genre and sub-genres

The tools you will use to market

Author platform – what it is and how to use it

Author website

Author blog

Each area will include input from webinar attendees, so you receive instant feedback!


This class is on Thursday, February 17, at 11 a.m. Pacific. If you sign up but can’t attend, a link will be sent to you to download and watch. Handouts will be available online to download for each session.


Part Two will be Thursday, April 21 and focus on where to find readers, the tools and sites to use for engagement to attract readers, and online ways to find new ones. In addition, this segment helps the new self-published author to maximize their exposure.


Part Three gives you the plans to implement. Create a realistic budget of your making, a marketing plan, and finally, a yearlong action plan/timeline. This final session is June 16.


You can register to attend all three or just one at


This popular program has been completely updated with the latest tools and tips. It is a three-part series


Register now



Speaker Bio


Beginning as a music journalist turned publicist, Kathleen Kaiser’s career spans over 50 years of involvement in the most exciting industries of her generation. From rock and roll in the 60s and 70s to the digital/internet revolution of the late 80s, 90s, and 00s, she has been a marketing professional for Fortune 100 companies, small startups, and conferences/tradeshows worldwide.


In 1993, she opened Kathleen Kaiser & Associates, an emerging technology-marketing firm, which now focuses on working with the nonprofit arts communities, especially the literary world.


Named Publicist of the Year in 2016 by the Book Publicists of Southern California for her contributions to the literary community, Kathleen maintains a small list of clients that allow her to continue her volunteerism. She is president of the national literary organization Writers & Publishers Network (formerly SPAWN) and organizes bi-monthly literary meetings now on Zoom and co-sponsored by IWOSC. In addition, she produces webinars for WPN and launched a new podcast –Talking Book Publishing with Kathleen Kaiser – in March 2021.


In her free time, ha-ha, she works on a book about her years in rock and roll, a new historical novel, and occasionally writes articles for regional publications. Kathleen is a proud fourth-generation small businesswoman.