Thursday, March 27, 2025


A little help. Help a Reporter Out and the big help it provides to all


Dr. Wolfert


As a PR agency, we utilize a service called Help a Reporter Out (HARO).


It’s thrice daily newsletter that lists queries from reporters and publications looking for sources for news stories.


Providing reporters sources does indeed help them out. It can also provide some major exposure for those sources.


PR Works clients recently enjoyed major coverage from a HARO query.


South Weymouth Dentist Dr. Richard Wolfert, DMD, AKA The Toothboss was recently quoted in an article in US News & World Report.


Pretty good stuff, right?


So, it’s now sitting in The Toothboss website newsroom as well as his social media.


Does this mean somebody who read this will immediately get on the phone to become a Toothboss patient? It’s not impossible. A far more likely scenario is the following:


Toothboss patients see the U.S. News & World Report on his website and social media. They have always liked Dr. Wolfert. Now, they like him even more.

People looking for a new dentist in the greater Weymouth area will do a search and get a list of local dentists. They might, in turn, do an additional search on each dentist in addition to checking out the dentists’ websites.


Their search on Dr. Wolfert will turn up his website and the U.S. News & World Report article. Advantage: Toothboss.


An added bonus to receiving coverage in a publication like U.S. New & World Report is that a number of other publications will run the article as well.


That happened with this particular article with eight other portals picking up the piece, including MSNBC.


HARO is a free resource and open to all. You can try and pitch your business. Crafting response to a query requires a deft touch and a certain understanding of how to package yourself and your business.


You have to show why you are a credible source for a story.


That’s often done by showing some of your own news releases.


If you’re lacking that category, it can be more of a challenge to entice a reporter to your usefulness for a piece.


Would you like to be on a reporter’s speed dial for their next piece on your area of expertise?


PR Works can help. Drop a line or give us a call at 781-582-1061 and we can get the ball rolling.

PR Works

Allow us to show you how it can work for you. Position your business as the “top of the mind” choice for customers, investors and business partners. 


For more information on unleashing the power of the media for your company, contact Steve Dubin (781) 582-1061.

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