Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Meet Eustace

Eustace is a lovable black and white pygmy goat. He arrived at the farm in July 2007, as a baby goat.

As he loved to jump and climb on whatever he could find, including the horse at his former home, he was severely disciplined by his caretaker. Fearful for him, the caretaker’s spouse smuggled Eustace out of a bad situation and got him to Winslow Farm.

Once free from restrictions, Eustace continued his climbing activities at the farm, including scrambling over gates and fences, as well as jumping on the top of the goat shed. One day, somehow, he managed to climb up on the roof of the big barn, giving the staff a heart attack, but he nimbly made his way through the window and down the stairs safely.

Apache, who also arrived in 2007 as a baby, and Eustace are both now 14 years old. They are currently the oldest goats at the farm. Eustace is very protective of Apache and they are snuggle buddies in the cold weather.

Eustace loves attention and is a very affectionate goat. He is also a playful fellow. His best friend is Simon, our large white goat. Despite Eustace’s age, the two goats play often. Fenway, a very shy goat, is also one of Eustace’s play friends.

Debra White, owner of Winslow Farm, notes of Eustace, “He was a little ball of happiness and still is.” All who meet this wonderful boy can agree wholeheartedly.



37 Eddy Street, Norton, MA


Special Fall and Winter Hours and Rates

Monday 10:30 to 1:30

Admission: $15 for adults; $10 for children 5 and up

$5 for children 2 to 4; Under age 2 free