Friday, October 18, 2024


You can make a difference for youth and justice on November 30th, #GivingTuesday.

The Global Day of Giving is traditionally held as the holiday season begins. Directly following the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday & Cyber Monday shopping days, #GivingTuesday lets us give back to causes we care about.

On #GivingTuesday, Rhode Island for Community & Justice asks your support for our Youth Leaders and Juvenile Justice programs. This past year we watched our youth leaders and youth at risk of justice system involvement struggle with the pandemic. We helped youth build resilience and find positive options and we’re working to improve systems that often can’t meet their needs.

In this work, we depend on the kindness of everyday people and every dollar counts. Your #GivingTuesday donation of:

$500 + you’ll be a Sponsor our new Community Education Sessions (see below)

$250 pays a youth team to conduct a workshop on equity, inclusion and belonging for an organization or community group

$100 feeds a group of hungry teens at an afterschool Youth Action Council meeting

$25 allows a youth to attend an educational event or fun community event

$10 helps us buy needed supplies!

We’ve already had wonderful friends support us, including sponsoring our exciting new Community Education Sessions upcoming in December.

Please join these kind recent donors…

Alperin & Hirsch Family Fund, Amgen Foundation, Belvoir Properties, Black Giving Circle, Cox Communications, Delta Dental RI, Dexter Donation, Feibelman Family Fund, KPMG, Pawtucket Credit Union, Perry Fund, Edwin Soforenko Foundation, with personal gifts from Dan Baudouin & Renee Chicoine, Buff Chace, Bob & Rena DiMuccio, David Estlund, Malcolm Farmer III, Aynn Laura Furie, Amy Hogarth Col. Steven McCartney, Deming Sherman, the Winoker Family and Carol Young.

Thank you!