Thursday, February 13, 2025


America’s Longest-Serving Woman College President to Step Down at Emmanuel Next Year

By John O. Harney

Comings and Goings …


America’s longest-serving woman college president, Sister Janet Eisner, announced that she will leave the presidency of Emmanuel College next year after four decades leading the Catholic liberal arts college in Boston’s Fenway area. Among her accomplishments, Eisner led Emmanuel’s transition from an all-women’s college to a coeducational college and brought Merck Research Laboratories-Boston to campus. She was is a founder of the Colleges of the Fenway consortium, allowing students at five neighboring institutions to access one another’s academic and extracurricular resources.


Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) President Lisa Larson resigned to become president of the Community College Growth Engine Fund Initiative at Education Design Lab in Washington, D.C. The lab designs and implements innovative learning models for higher education and the future of work.


The Maine Community College System named Wayne Burton, president emeritus of North Shore Community College in Danvers, Mass., as interim president of EMCC, as a national search begins for a new president.


University of New Hampshire (UNH) professor Michael Swack, director of the UNH Carsey School’s Center for Impact Finance, was appointed by President Joe Biden to the U.S. Community Development Advisory Board, which advises the director of the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. Swack founded the annual Financial Innovations Roundtable, a collaboration of the Carsey School and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.