Outdoor demolition began September 13 requiring the Attleboro Public Library building to close until it is finished. We expect this work to take about 10 business days. Staff will available to answer phone calls and email.
What does this mean for you?
The book drop is CLOSED
Because the work is happening exactly where our book drop is located, we cannot accept any returns while we are closed. You may return your materials to other libraries in the SAILS system. The closest public libraries to us are Seekonk, North Attleboro, Norton, Plainville, and Mansfield.
Continue to enjoy our online resources
We’re bringing the library to you! As always, our digital collection is open 24/7. Visit the eLibrary page for info on downloading books, movies, and more for FREE with your Attleboro Library-issued library card.
Thank you for your patience as we near completion
of this yearlong construction project!
For the latest updates, visit our web site and Facebook page.