Wednesday, February 12, 2025


North Attleborough Historical Society

September 18, 2021 Yard Sale

The NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY will hold a yard sale on Saturday, September 18th 2021, between the hours of 9 A.M. and 2 P.M. on the grounds of the Woodcock Garrison House and Little Red Schoolhouse, at 362 North Washington St, North Attleborough.

Join other families and vendors selling at one location at the junctions of Routes 1 and 1A just north of the First Baptist Church. Space is available for $20; bring your own tables.

For more reservations or more information, contact Bob Lanpher at (508) 695-6649 or email

Funds raised by the Historical Society are used for the continued maintenance of the historic Woodcock Garrison and Little Red Schoolhouse.