Thursday, March 13, 2025



The Friends of the Plainville Public Library’s August Book Sales will consist of Non-Fiction genres and will be held during normal library hours in the conference room. Prices are .50 for mass-market and $1 for trade/hardcover cash only.


August 9-13 – Diet/Health, Men & Women’s Issues/Parenting, Education/Reference & Dictionaries/Foreign Language


August 23-27 – General Non-Fiction, Humor, History & Animals


There will be a $5 bag sale on August 13 & 27 in the conference room only for the above genres. We provide the bag you fill it.


Also available will be our on-going sale of adult books in the Friends’ hallway, a section of Fiction trade and mass-market books on 3 tables in front of the circulation desk for your vacation and summer reading,


Large Print, CDs, DVDs, Puzzles, Best Sellers, and books of gift-giving quality plus area High School’s Summer Reading Books of which are not included in the bag sale.

Prices range from .50 to $5 cash only.

          The library’s hours are Mondays & Tuesdays 9-3, Wednesdays & Thursdays 10-7, and Fridays 1-5. The Plainville Public Library is located on Rte. 1A at 198 South St. For further information, you may call the Plainville Public Library at 508-695-1784.