Wednesday, January 8, 2025


O’Donnell Preserve to open on July 24

Boundary Point #3A

On Saturday, July 24, the public is invited to a new nature preserve to be opened by the Attleboro Land Trust.


The 14-acre Joseph and Margaret O’Donnell Nature Preserve is located on Bishop Street. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will begin at 10:00 am to thank Dr. Robert B. O’Donnell, who donated the land in memory of his parents.


Attendees should park and gather in the Finberg Field parking lot on Bishop Street next to the preserve.


After the formal ceremony, Evan Foster will lead a guided walk of a new 0.7 mile trail which leads through red maple and pine forests and past wetlands to a stand of beech and birch trees.


The opening of the O’Donnell Preserve and trail is one of several projects completed by Foster during a seven-month term of service with the land trust under the TerraCorps program, which is affiliated with AmeriCorps.


The project included photographic and GPS documentation of the baseline condition of the property, a property management plan, and a trail map generated using a digital geographic mapping system that Foster built for the land trust.


Rain date for the event is Sunday, July 25, at 1:00 pm. Event updates will be posted on ALT website.