Thursday, September 19, 2024


We Are Halfway There

Where has the year gone already?

Today, June 30 , marks the halfway point through our fiscal (and fundraising) calendar year.

If you have not yet made a gift to Community VNA’s Free Care Fund , now is the perfect time to do so.

Your gift will have powerful impacts!

Gifts of $15, $25, $35 , or more add up to make a difference.

2,187 service hoursprovided to 55 people in our Alzheimer’s Assistance Program

3,425 visitsto home care and hospice patients with free or subsidized care

28 monthlyAlzheimer’s and grief support groups delivered, many of which were virtual due to COVID-19

15 community education eventsmade possible & attended by 326 registrants representing 71 communities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Above figures from 2020.

Yes, I’ll Donate Today