Wednesday, March 19, 2025



Subscribers! If you had already purchased a subscription for Season 36, your subscription will automatically be honored for this year’s 5-play series. New subscriptions are on sale NOW and single tickets will be ready for purchase beginning August 30.

Season 37 will open with A Lie Agreed Upon, a brand-new version of Ibsen’s classic An Enemy of the People. It’s at once a political thriller, an environmental exposé and a meditation on the nature and purpose of representative democracy. Sound familiar?

Then comes an equally powerful look at American civic life with a return to Bedford Falls and the imperishable It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play. We’re also delighted to get Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’  An Octoroon  in front of audiences in the new year. It’s a powder keg of a play and a contemporary American masterpiece. It examines the darkest chapters of our country’s past and present and asks fundamental questions about storytelling itself. We’ll follow An Octoroon with Martyna Majok’s incisive, timely drama  Ironbound  about working-class immigrant life in contemporary America.

Season 37 will also mark our first production of Shakespeare in our new Warwick space. We’ve never done Midsummer , (Shakespeare’s most popular play!) Waking up from this crazy dream/nightmare pandemic year, now seems like it is exactly the right time for his most popular, and transformative comedy.

We cannot wait to share all these stories with you, LIVE!