Sunday, March 9, 2025


SCA Youth Grant Applications Now Open

Do you know a young artist who needs help funding a project, or wants to further their art experience through classes or apprenticeships?

We invite emerging young artists who are current high school students in the towns of Westport and Dartmouth, Massachusetts; and Little Compton and Tiverton, Rhode Island to apply for the South Coast Artist’s Youth Grant between June 1 and October 1 of each year.

Download Youth Grant FAQs here.

Download a Nomination Form here.

Download an Application Form here.

Through its Youth Artist Grant awards, SCA encourages emerging talent in art by giving students financial support toward a project or goal. To learn more, contact us at

Meghan Camarao, is the 2020 winner of SCA’s Youth Grant for emerging artists. Meghan is the second student from Dartmouth to win this competitive award. She will use the grant to purchase software and attend a RISD class on animation, so she will have the tools to execute an animation series featuring her work on world building. This will help prepare her for her intended career path and aid in preparing her portfolio.

SCA’s Memorial Fund for Education was established in 2014 as part of SCA’s ongoing educational mission. The initial funding was given in memory of Poole Barker, a young exhibiting member of SCA, who came from a family of artists and creators, and was a dedicated artist in her own right. We hope that Poole’s spirit of creativity, joy and exploration will live on in these grants.

If you would like to contribute in honor or memory of a loved one, you may send a check payable to “South Coast Artists” to the following address:


South Coast Artists, Inc.

PO Box 3716 

Westport, MA 02790. 

Please write “Memorial Education Fund” in the memo.