Saturday, February 15, 2025



There is a castle on a cloud…

TYT is seeking young actresses between the ages of 7-10 to audition for the roles of “Young Cosette” and “Young Eponine” in our production of Les Miserables this summer.


We have a cast of 40 high school students who have begun rehearsals – and we’re ready to fill out the last two roles with stellar actresses.



Pre-registration is required … CLICK HERE

Actresses will be asked to sing “Castle on a Cloud”

Must be available the following dates:

June 30th … 7-9pm

July 8th … 7-9pm

July 14th & 15th … 7-9pm

July 21st … 7-9pm

July 28th & 29th … 7-9pm

August 2nd – 5th … 6-10pm

POSSIBLE live performances August 6, 7, 8

A nominal costume rental fee may be required.

(Please note that the role of Young Eponine is a non-speaking role. The character is in the scene with “Castle on a Cloud” and will be included in “Do You Hear the People Sing”, “One Day More”, “Turning” and the finale.)

Auditions will be held on Wednesday, June 16th between 6:00 – 8:00pm at our rehearsal space in downtown Attleboro.

Further details regarding the audition process will be provided upon pre-registration.

If you know of a young actress in the greater Attleboro area who might be interested in auditioning, please forward this email and encourage them to sign up. If you have any questions, please email 

and we will do our best to help.

Pre-Register Here