Thursday, January 30, 2025



Volunteer members of Friends of the East Providence Public Library have gathered more than 75 special or unusual books that have been donated by library patrons. These collectible books can be ordered by email and picked up at Weaver Library.

A list of some of these special books is available on the Friends of the East Providence Library web page on the East Providence Public Library website,


Just click on About, then Friends of the Library. The books are listed with a short description and price on the site. Dozens of books are featured on a wide variety of topics.


More are added as they arrive.

Among the current books offered in the Collectors’ Corner are a leather-bound, gold accented copy of Moby Dick, printed by Easton Press, for $15.


For sports fans, there is a copy of The Longest Game, which recounts the longest game in professional baseball history, won by the PawSox in 33 innings in 1981. It is signed by the author, Steven Krasner, and is $5.


Local history enthusiasts will appreciate A Key into the Language of America by Roger Williams, priced at $5.


For art lovers, there is a new copy of The Art of Mary Pratt: The Substance of Light by Tom Smart for $20.


Also featured in the collection is a large number of books chronicling western movies and stars, including They Went Thataway: A Front Row Kid’s Search for His Boyhood Heroes by James Horowitz for $5.

Individuals interested in purchasing a Collectors’ Corner selection can email or call 401-433-3463 to arrange pick up. All proceeds from the Collectors’ Corner benefit the East Providence Public Library.