Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook will be holding an in person meeting next Wednesday, May 5 2021 at the Newman YMCA picnic pavilion beginning at 6:30 PM.

We will be going over the past spring events and planning our summer events.

Keep in mind that this will be the last meeting until September, so we will have quite a few things to cover.

I will send the agenda and the Minutes from the March meeting for you to review early next week.

I would like to thank our friends at the Running River Watershed Alliance for reserving the pavilion for us.

Also, we need people who are willing to go to the confluence of the Ten Mile River and Wilde Brook near Slater Park to do a 10 minute fish count a few times a week or whenever you have time. We are short on volunteers this year!

Please let me know if you can assist. This is a very important survey and the results are shared with both RI DEM and MA DEP.

Thank  you in advance!

Ben Cote

Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook