Monday, March 10, 2025


Dear Friends,

To welcome the Spring, Museum concerts will offer three one-hour concerts as a mini Festival. We are delighted to be able to bring you live music again, and hope you will embrace our offerings. Pre-registration is required, and the safety precautions we advised in the Fall will remain in effect, and are listed on our website. Regular ticket prices of $25 will apply, or if you wish to be a sponsor – you may pay $100 and attend all three events. Please know that 100 people can be admitted (out of a capacity of 850 seats), and masks are required.

We are seeking to keep patrons and players safe.
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell!

COVD precautions require pre-registration please email junebhouse@comcast. all net

Note that seating is limited to accommodate social distancing.

  • Masks required • Doors and windows open for ventilation
    — bring a sweater!
  • All concerts one hour — no intermission or reception
  • Seating in every other pew • Balcony seating available
  • Please enter through the Benefit Street doors of the church,
    where you will be checked in*
  • * Exit from the doors at the opposite end from
    where you entered — to keep foot traffic in one direction.
  • • See a detailed list of safety procedures
    at the 

  • Tickets page 

  • our website.on

    Now, more than ever, we value the joy that live performance brings, and in particular want to thank want to thank the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts for supplying CARES Acts funds to help make these concerts a possibility, and keeping our local musicians employed! Your own generous donations will help keep the music playing.

    Thank you and see you at the concerts!

    L. Frederick Jodry V
    President, Museum Concerts