Monday, March 10, 2025


Look who’s coming back to the future


Join the growing community of participants from Rhode Island, New England, and beyond for Rhode Island’s 35th historic preservation conference! Explore the field, connect with old friends, and meet new contacts, all in a virtual format. View the agenda + register!  (view in Chrome or Safari )

  • design and land use professionals high school, college, and university students
  • local Historic District Commissioners and staff professors and teachers

Thank you for joining us

  • artists, conservators, and representatives of cultural and heritage organizations
  • construction professionals
  • volunteers, advocates, and you!


Hailing from

  • 13 high schools, colleges, and universities (including Brown, Columbia, CCRI, Princeton, Providence Career and Technical Academy, RIC, RISD, Roger Williams, Salve Regina, UHartford, UMass Amherst, URI, & Yale)
  • 32 Rhode Island cities and towns
  • Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, France! Pennsylvania
  • Paris,

HSW LUs available for (April 21-23):

  • Windows and Composite Materials Workshop(Wed, 3:10 pm)
  • But My House Isn’t Historic!(Thurs, 10:00 am)
  • Facing Down Climate Change: Considering Your Cultural Resources(Thurs, 11:00 am


LUs available for (April 21-23):

  1. Making the Modern Suburb: Gover
  2. As Modern As Tomorrow: Ira Rakatansky’s Architecture(Fri, 10:00 am)
  3. Indigenizing Design: Creating a New Tomaquag Musnor Francis Farms and Garden City(Thurs, 11:00 am)eum(Fri, 11:00 am)
  4. Preserving Modern Architecture: Gropius and Belluschi(Fri, 11:00 am)

And 16 sessions (including keynotes by Kofi Boone and George Smart) are approved for APA/AICP Certificate Maintenance.


  1. Attendees registered by April 23 can view conference programs for 30 days post-event! Can’t choose between  Indigenizing Design  and  Preserving Modern Architecture ? You don’t have to! Over-committed next week? No problem! Register and get access to the entire event site for 30 days after the event ends (session exceptions noted on agenda) .

Check out the agenda for details!

Atendees registered by April 23 can view conference programs for 30 days post-event?