Tuesday, October 8, 2024



71% of Hotels Will Not Last Another Six Months Without Immediate Assistance

WASHINGTON (December 14, 2020) –A recent national survey commissioned by the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) shows that nearly two-thirds (69%) of Americans will not travel for Christmas.

With a new surge in COVID-19 cases, the CDC recommending that Americans do not travel over the holiday season and new stay-at-home orders in place in states across the country, the holiday season will compound the challenges already facing the hotel industry during this public health crisis.

“We understand the importance of following CDC guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and support the government’s actions.

However, with the dramatic decline in travel, hotels will face a harsh winter through no fault of our own. The hotel industry needs aid to survive until travel demand returns. Given this current environment, Congress cannot nor should not contemplate recess until a relief bill is passed now,” said Chip Rogers, President and CEO of AHLA. 

“Millions of Americans are out of work, and thousands of small businesses are struggling to keep their doors open. We cannot afford to wait until the next Congress is sworn in for relief. We need help now.”

The survey of 2,200 adults was conducted November 2-4, 2020 by Morning Consult on behalf of AHLA. Key findings of the survey include the following:

74%of those traveling overnight for Christmas report they will stay with a family or friend 

Only 3 in 10 (32%)respondents have taken an overnight vacation or leisure trip since March

Looking ahead to next year, 24%are likely to travel for spring break

44% say their next hotel stay for vacation or leisure travel will be a year or more from now or they have no plans to stay in a hotel

Business travel has been even more impacted as only 8%of Americans say they have taken an overnight business trip since March

Only 8%of all adults expect to travel for business within the next six months

62%of employed Americans have no plans to stay in a hotel for business

The hotel industry is facing record job loss if Congress does not provide relief. Every hour Congress doesn’t act hotels lose 400 jobs, with up to 3 million permanent jobs lost.

Seventy-one percent of hotels will not be able to last another six months without immediate assistance according to a recent AHLA survey of hotel owners and operators.