Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Holiday Decorating Grant Opportunity for Bristol County Stores from the United Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Southeastern Massachusetts Visitors Bureau

The United Regional Chamber of Commerce (URCC) and the Southeastern Massachusetts Visitors Bureau (SMVB) are pleased to provide a grant opportunity of an amount up to $300 for the purpose of purchasing holiday decorations to help make our storefronts shine during the holiday season. This opportunity is being offered because the URCC and the SMVB want to attract visitors locally as well as throughout the immediate region to our area, positioning Bristol County as an attractive place for people from more than 50 miles away to visit.


Grantees are required to submit a report to the URCC and the SMVB no later than January 15, 2021, describing the use of the funds and the results of the program. All press releases or social media posts about this program must mention and/or tag the URCC, the SMVB as the funder, and the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.


Please contact URCC President/CEO Jack Lank at 

to apply. Applications must be received no later than Monday, November 30 at 4:00 p.m. to be considered for this grant.