Tuesday, March 11, 2025


The Pawtucket Foundation: Outdoor Seating and Dining Grant Program

This form is for Pawtucket establishments to use to apply for free grant funding to create or expand upon outdoor seating and dining opportunities. Eligible organizations may apply for physical supplies that must be used to support outdoor seating or dining starting in fall 2020. This grant program is sponsored by the Pawtucket Foundation and funded through a grant from the Rhode Island Commerce “Take It Outside Initiative”.

The maximum amount allowed per request is $6,000. Examples of items that the Foundation will fund include: Patio heaters/heat lamps, outdoor lighting, chairs, tables, tents or umbrellas, and fencing. Other items not listed may be requested, though funding for these items is at the discretion of the Foundation.


Please note that permits from the City of Pawtucket Clerk’s Office will be required if you would like to expand the seating for or create a new outdoor seating area. Funds for tables and chairs may be tentatively approved, pending permits from the City Clerk’s Office. (http://www.pawtucketri.com/city-clerks-office)

If you are not adding additional seating and tables, but rather are requesting other supplies (ex. heaters, fencing, lighting), then an outdoor seating permit from the City Clerk’s Office will not be required. Approval may be required by the City Fire Marshall and electrical permits will likely be needed to operate specific outdoor supplies (ex. lighting, heat lamps). We will coordinate with approved applicants to ensure that they are aware of all the approvals that will be needed for their requested supplies.

Establishments must meet the following criteria to be eligible for funding:

Must be a business located within the City of Pawtucket.

Must be an establishment in the food or drink industry.

Must have a location that can accommodate outdoor seating.

Must plan to utilize the requested supplies starting in fall 2020.

Submittal Requirements:

Applicants must complete the attached Application Form below including the Budget Sheet, submit a W-9 form, and a diagram or photos of the current/proposed outdoor seating area. If awarded, “after” photos of the seating area will need to be submitted later.

The Foundation reserves the right to deny or reduce the amount approved for any line item in the budget. Applicants are welcome to submit additional attachments including a site map, letters of support, etc.

All applications will be graded according to the following criteria:

Cost Effectiveness – number of customers to be accommodated relative to the project price (1 – 20 possible)

Capacity – ability of the establishment to appropriately manage and maintain the items (1-15 points possible)

Locational Prospects – Ability to support a successful outdoor dining area (1 – 15 points possible)

All establishments that receive grant funding through this program are required to complete a “Project Evaluation Form” prior to December 16th, 2020. The Pawtucket Foundation will contact each establishment that receives funding in late November with the link to the evaluation form.

We reserve the right contact applicants for clarification or additional information on their application. We reserve the right to partially fund requests.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis but we encourage you to return applications ASAP in order to be considered for funding. Funding for this program is limited.

The Pawtucket Foundation is working with Rhode Island Commerce to establish the purchasing procedures for this program. Once the application has been submitted, it will be placed in a queue for review and all approved applicants will be informed of the purchasing and delivery process once they are in place.


Applications and any attachments should be emailed as a single PDF to jbrodie@pawtucketfoundation.org. If you have questions about the program, please contact ahebert@pawtucketri.com