Sunday, March 9, 2025



In August, National Grid proposed a rate hike that would raise the average customers’ bill by $10.78 a month. At the Public Utilities Commission meeting, members and organizers spoke out against this change, discussing the negative effects of raising energy costs during a pandemic when many are already struggling with high bills.

Despite this advocacy, on Tuesday, the PUC voted to approve National Grid’s rate hike. Now, National Grid is proposing a distribution adjustment charge which will once again raise consumer’s energy costs by an additional 4%. 

The PUC will be considering this charge at another public meeting on Tuesday, October 6th, at 9:30 AM.

We need to demand that the PUC reverse their vote on the rate increase, and reject this additional proposal!

The hearing will be streamed live,

this Tuesday, October 6th, 9:30AM:

To provide public comment at the meeting: 

Or call in, preferably 5-10 minutes prior to the hearing.

Call  929-205-6099 and enter meeting number  876 5317 6573, followed by the # symbol when prompted.

If you prefer to write your comments, hit reply to this email. Provide your name and city of residence, and explain why the PUC needs to reverse their decision on the rate hike and reject this proposal for an additional increase. We will compile your comments and read them live at the online hearing.

If you’re a member of an organization that would like to sign on your support of these demands, hit reply to this email with your organization’s name.

You or your organization can also sign on to our demands and submit comments by clicking here

Thank you for your advocacy to keep utility rates affordable in Rhode Island!

George Wiley Center

32 East Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860

PHONE:   1-401-728-5555   


Donate to support our organizing!