Thursday, March 6, 2025



PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is advising the public that Olney Pond in Lincoln Woods State Park will receive a treatment to control infestations of invasive noxious weeds including variable water milfoil, Eurasian milfoil, curl-leaf pondweed and fanwort this week. The weed control treatment is specifically targeted for the weeds that infest the pond and do not harm fish or other aquatic species. 


Solitude Lakes Management LLC, a certified and licensed pesticide applicator, has been contracted for the weed control application using the herbicides Tribune, Clearcast, and Aquaneat. 


Residents are advised to avoid fishing, boating and other recreational activities in the pond on the day of treatment. Signs will be posted with information about the restriction of use and temporary water use restrictions, as follows:

No use for irrigation for 5 days

No direct drinking for 3 days

1-day restriction for livestock watering

Olney Pond is owned by DEM and is a popular recreation location with hikers, picnickers, swimmers, anglers and boaters. This lake is stocked with trout several times during the year. DEM will not stock additional trout until treatments are concluded for the year.


To prevent the spread of invasive weeds and other harmful aquatic “hitch hikers,” Rhode Island strictly prohibits the use of external felt soled or any natural or synthetic porous material capable of absorbing water in any freshwaters in the state. A new DEM regulation mandates that all boaters thoroughly clean their vessels, trailers, and equipment of attached weeds before and after using Rhode Island lakes, ponds, and rivers. This includes any waters shared with adjacent states in which Rhode Island fishing regulations apply.


Aquatic invasive species limit the ecological function of water bodies by outcompeting beneficial native species; decreasing biodiversity; decomposing slowly, thereby reducing oxygen levels and water quality; and degrading conditions for fish. In addition, they impede recreation by reducing aesthetics, visibility and open areas along lake shores; minimizing fishing opportunities; washing up on beaches; becoming entangled around boat motors; obstructing access to boat ramps and lanes; and snagging fishing lines.


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