Tuesday, March 4, 2025




I must comment to you that Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook successfully concluded this morning our three part Saturday morning walk/talk series: WHERE IS BUCKLIN BROOK?

Of particular note was our successive red tail hawk observations throughout the urbanized Bucklin Brook Watershed – extremely active hawk activities, up close, personal and exciting!

The hawk action centered around these north-to-south urban locations in Pawtucket, Rhode Island:

Oak Grove Cemetery – wide vista, continuously active hunting.

McCoy Stadium – one intense score board hawk stalking a mourning dove flock.

Dunnell Lane Industrial Park – using an obsolete concrete industrial silo as a strike zone, pigeons.

Hank Soar Athletic Complex – an extremely active and affectionate pair team-stalking pigeons and other targets of opportunity

South of these locations abutting the Seekonk River, active osprey near the Bucklin Point Waste Treatment Plant.

Although urbanized and abused, this tiny watershed continues to display an individual and steadfast identity with this singular and primary plus factor, a wide-ranging wild bird population well worth preservation through constant observances and support.

This is its saving grace apart from the years of disgusting watershed abuse hoisted upon this vital and valued natural resource. 

From the field and the heart: tough love, but true – hawks love and appreciate the Bucklin Brook Watershed.

Don Doucette

“Ten Mile River Rambles”

Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook

Citizens of the Narragansett Basin